
Qualitative examination of cognitive change during PTSD treatment for active duty service members

April 1, 2016

Dondanville, K. A., Blankenship, A. E., Molino, A., Resick, P. A., Wachen, J. S., Mintz, J., Yarvis, S., Litz, B. T., Borah, E. V., Roache, J. D., Young-McCaughan, S., Hembree, E. A., & Peterson, A. L., for the STRONG STAR Consortium.

Behaviour Research and Therapy, 79, 1-6.

Evaluating potential iatrogenic suicide risk in trauma-focused group cognitive behavioral therapy for the treatment of PTSD in active duty military personnel

December 4, 2015

Bryan, C. J., Clemans, T. A., Hernandez, A. M., Mintz, J., Peterson, A. L., Yarvis, J. S., Resick, P. A., & the STRONG STAR Consortium.

Depression and Anxiety, 33(6), 549-557.

Treatment of active duty military with PTSD in primary care: A follow-up report

December 1, 2015

Cigrang, J. A., Rauch, S. A. M., Mintz, J., Brundige, A., Avila, L. L., Bryan, C. J., Goodie, J. L., Peterson, A. L., & the STRONG STAR Consortium.

Journal of Anxiety Disorders, 36, 110-114.

A Randomized Clinical Trial of Group Cognitive Processing Therapy Compared With Group Present-Centered Therapy for PTSD Among Active Duty Military Personnel

December 1, 2015

Resick, P. A., Wachen, J. S., Mintz, J., Young-McCaughan, S., Roache, J. D., Borah, A. M., Borah, E. V., Dondanville, K. A., Hembree, E. A., Litz, B. T., & Peterson, A. L., on behalf of the STRONG STAR Consortium. (2015).

Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 83(6), 1058-1068.

Regional cerebral glucose metabolism differentiates danger- and non-danger-based traumas in post-traumatic stress disorder

September 15, 2015

Ramage, A. E., Litz, B. T., Resick, P. A., Woolsey, M. D., Dondanville, K. A., Young-McCaughan, S., Borah, A. M., Borah, E. V., Peterson, A. L., & Fox, P. T., for the STRONG STAR Consortium.

Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, 11(2), 234-242.

Nonsuicidal self-injury as a prospective predictor of suicide attempts in a clinical sample of military personnel

May 1, 2015

Bryan, C. J., Rudd, D. M., Wertenberger, E., Young-McCaughan, S., & Peterson, A. L.

Comprehensive Psychiatry, 59, 1-7.

The Role of Posttraumatic Stress in Acute Postconcussive Symptoms Following Blast Injury in Combat

February 21, 2015

Bryant, R. A., Baker M.T., Mintz, J., Barth, J., Young-McCaughan, S., Creasy, B., Grant, G., Isler, W., Malach, S. L., & Peterson, A. L.; for the STRONG STAR Consortium.

Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 84(2), 120-121.

Brief Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Effects on Post-Treatment Suicide Attempts in a Military Sample: Results of a Randomized Clinical Trial With 2-Year Follow-Up

February 13, 2015

Rudd, M. D., Bryan, C. J., Wertenberger, E. G., Peterson, A. L., Young-McCaughan, S., Mintz, J., Williams, S. R., Arne, K. A., Breitbach, J., Delano, K., Wilkinson, E., & Bruce, T. O.

American Journal of Psychiatry, 172(5), 441-449.

Common challenges in conducting Prolonged Exposure therapy with active duty service members: Case discussion and strategies for intervention

October 23, 2014

Fina, B., Wright, E. C., Lichner, T. K., Borah, A., & Foa, E. B., for the STRONG STAR Consortium.

Social Work in Mental Health, 12(5-6), 482-499.

Improving the detection and prediction of suicidal behavior among military personnel by measuring suicidal beliefs: An evaluation of the Suicide Cognitions Scale

April 20, 2014

Bryan, C. J., Rudd, M. D., Wertenberger, E., Etienne, N., Ray-Sannerud, B. N., Morrow, C., Peterson, A. L., & Young-McCaughan, S. (2014).

Journal of Affective Disorders, 159, 15-22.

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