Identifying Suicidal Subtypes and Dynamic Indicators of Increasing and Decreasing Suicide Risk
PI | Craig Bryan, PsyD |
Location(s) | Study analyses being led by investigators in Columbus, Ohio, and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania |
Aim | Identify subtypes of suicide risk; examine, describe, and predict patterns over time that signal transitions from low- to high-risk states and from high- to low-risk states, in order to advance the science of suicide prevention. |
Status | Currently analyzing data |
An Evaluation of Neurobiological Similarities of Tinnitus and PTSD
PI | John Moring, PhD |
Location(s) | San Antonio, TX |
Aim | Examine the shared and unique symptoms and the neurobiological contributions associated with tinnitus and posttraumatic stress disorder. Results will help guide development of therapies for individuals with both conditions. |
Status | Currently enrolling study participants |
Sleep Disorders in Military Women: Identifying Causal Factors and the Impact of Treatment on Psychological Health and Resilience
PI | Maj Matthew Brock, MD |
Location(s) | San Antonio, TX |
Aim | Improve understanding, prevention and treatment of sleep disorders in military women through discovery of the biological characteristics, gender roles, and military occupational factors associated with insomnia and sleep apnea in military men and women and how they affect treatment response and clinical outcomes. |
Status | Enrollment complete. |
Accelerating Implementation of Evidence-Based Psychotherapies in Military Settings
PI | Craig Rosen, PhD, & Carmen McLean, PhD |
Location(s) | Eight military treatment facilities nationwide |
Aim | Evaluate a program designed to increase military treatment facilities’ use of Prolonged Exposure (PE), an evidence-based psychotherapy for PTSD; determine whether this program increases PE use and improves patient outcomes compared to conventional provider training in PE; use feedback from clinic leaders and staff to gauge program usability, identify successful components, and refine program for expansion. |
Status | Currently operating at the participating military treatment facilities |
Neurobiological Predictors and Mechanisms in Exposure Therapy for PTSD
PI | Sheila Rauch, PhD |
Location(s) | Killeen, TX, and San Antonio, TX |
Aim | Identify changes in levels of certain hormones, steroids, and other biological substances to “track” improvements in patients’ PTSD symptoms over the course of treatment; determine the specific changes associated with three different ways of delivering Prolonged Exposure therapy. |
Status | Enrollment closed. Investigators analyzing data and publishing study findings. |
An Open Trial of Web-Prolonged Exposure (Web-PE) for PTSD among Active-Duty Military Personnel and Veterans
PI | Carmen McLean, PhD |
Location(s) | Online nationwide |
Aim | Improve access to PTSD treatment by evaluating whether 10 sessions of Prolonged Exposure therapy delivered via the Internet over eight weeks (Web-PE) is effective in reducing PTSD symptoms. |
Status | Enrollment closed. Investigators analyzing data and publishing study findings. |
Development and Validation of a Theory Based Screening Process for Suicide Risk
PI | Steven Vannoy, PhD, MPH |
Location(s) | Killeen, TX |
Aim | The goal of this study is to increase the capacity of military-based health services to accurately identify service members at risk for suicide and to make effective treatment referrals. |
Status | Study completed. Investigators analyzing data and publishing research findings. |
Project Remission: Maximizing Outcomes with Intensive Treatments for Combat-Related PTSD
PI | Alan L. Peterson, PhD, ABPP (Lt Col, US Air Force, Ret.) |
Location(s) | Killeen, TX; Waco, TX; and San Antonio, TX |
Aim | Evaluate two intensive outpatient formats of Prolonged Exposure therapy for active duty service members and veterans with combat-related PTSD. |
Status | Enrollment closed. Investigators analyzing data and publishing study findings. |
Image-guided Robotically Delivered Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation for Combat-Related PTSD: a Double-Blind, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial
PI | Peter Fox, MD |
Location(s) | San Antonio, TX |
Aim | Test active duty military personnel and veterans for PTSD symptom improvements resulting from electromagnetic stimulation to the brain; test for changes in brain network functionality induced by electromagnetic stimulation. |
Status | Enrollment closed. Investigators analyzing data and publishing study findings. |
The Efficacy of 90-Minute vs. 60-Minute Sessions of Prolonged Exposure for PTSD: A Randomized Controlled Trial in Active Duty Military Personnel
PI | Edna Foa, PhD |
Location(s) | San Antonio, TX, and Charleston, SC |
Aim | Determine whether therapy sessions for a proven PTSD treatment, Prolonged Exposure (PE), can be shortened to 60 minutes from the standard 90 minutes without compromising PE's high success rate. Improve understanding of how PE helps patients recover and how to enhance its benefits by observing what factors are related to PTSD symptom reduction during therapy, utilizing patient and provider reports as well as measurable physiological markers of stress. |
Status | Enrollment closed. Investigators analyzing data and publishing study findings. |