
Finding the best ways to prevent and treat psychological health problems in military service members, veterans, and first responders

Brief Treatment for PTSD: Enhancing Treatment Engagement and Retention

PIDenise Sloan, PhD
Location(s)San Antonio, TX, and Killeen, TX

Examine whether a form of narrative therapy in which patients write about their trauma is as effective in treating PTSD as a gold-standard form of talk therapy. Examine whether the narrative therapy, with a shorter course of treatment and fewer time demands, leads to increased patient retention and overall treatment satisfaction.

StatusEnrollment closed. Investigators analyzing data and publishing study findings.

Supporting Military Families with Young Children Throughout the Deployment Lifecycle

PIEllen DeVoe, MSW, PhD
Location(s)Killeen, TX

Improve understanding of the psychosocial needs of active duty military families with young children specific to deployment-related separation; adapt and test Strong Families Strong Forces Parenting Program, a preventive intervention to promote resiliency in active duty military families with young children through the deployment cycle, compared to an alternate intervention called Strong Parents Self-Care; compare the costs of achieving benefit from the two programs.

StatusEnrollment closed. Investigators analyzing data and publishing study findings.

Randomized Clinical Trial of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Posttraumatic Headache

PIDonald McGeary, PhD
Location(s)San Antonio, TX

Evaluate the effectiveness of a manualized behavioral health intervention for posttraumatic headache in Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans with co-occurring symptoms of posttraumatic stress.

StatusEnrollment closed. Investigators analyzing data and publishing study findings.

Using Emotion Regulation to Decrease Aggression in Veterans with PTSD

PIShannon Miles, PhD
Location(s)Tampa, FL

Evaluate emotion regulation training designed to decrease aggression in combat veterans who suffer from PTSD and impulsive aggression. Examine if the training prepares veterans for initiating PTSD treatment.

StatusEnrollment complete. Investigators analyzing data and publishing study findings.

Treatment of Comorbid Sleep Disorders and PTSD

PIDaniel Taylor, PhD
Location(s)Killeen, TX

Examine whether and how to incorporate a cognitive-behavioral intervention for insomnia and nightmares with PTSD treatment to achieve the greatest treatment benefits in patients suffering from PTSD and sleep problems.

StatusEnrollment closed. Investigators analyzing data and publishing study findings.

Variable-Length Cognitive Processing Therapy for Combat-Related PTSD

PIPatricia Resick, PhD
Location(s)Killeen, TX

Evaluate the effectiveness of Cognitive Processing Therapy-cognitive only version (CPT-C) for combat-related PTSD when treatment length is adjusted to fit the individual needs of service members. Identify factors that can help predict how quickly an individual will respond to treatment. Determine how well CPT improves related problems (e.g., depression, difficulties in social and family functioning).

StatusEnrollment closed. Investigators analyzing data and publishing study findings.

Comparing Internet and In-Person Brief Cognitive Behavioral Therapy of Insomnia

PIDaniel Taylor, PhD
Location(s)Killeen, TX

Evaluate in-person and Internet-based forms of cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia with a military population. Determine the benefits of these interventions on improvement in sleep as well as on common co-morbid conditions such as depression, substance abuse, and PTSD symptoms.

StatusEnrollment complete. Investigators analyzing results and publishing research findings.

Cognitive and Neuronal Markers in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

PIDanet Lapiz-Bluhm, PhD, RN
Location(s)Killeen, TX

To determine the impact of various factors, including cognitive flexibility, a genetic variation, and a protein secreted in the brain on the length of time it takes a patient to respond to treatment with Cognitive Processing Therapy. The ultimate goal is to use this information for developing improved strategies for preventing and treating posttraumatic stress disorder.

StatusEnrollment closed. Investigators analyzing data and publishing study findings.

A Study of Dog Adoption in Veterans with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

PIStephen Stern, MD
Location(s)San Antonio, TX

Evaluate whether adopting a pet dog from the San Antonio Humane Society as a supplement to usual care can reduce psychological distress and improve quality of life for Veterans with PTSD.

StatusEnrollment closed. Investigators analyzing data and reporting study findings.

The Role of Exercise in the Treatment of PTSD Symptoms

PIStacey Young-McCaughan, RN, PhD (COL, US Army, Ret.)
Location(s)Killeen, TX

Explore the role of exercise in the treatment of symptoms of PTSD to see if treatment can be improved with exercise.

StatusEnrollment closed. Investigators analyzing data and publishing study findings.
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