Treatment of Active-Duty Military with PTSD in Primary Care: Early Findings

May 1, 2011

Psychological Services, 8(2), 104-113.

Cigrang, J. A., Rauch, S. A. M., Avila, L. L., Bryan, C. J., Goodie, J. L., Hryshko-Mullen, A., Peterson, A. L., and the STRONG STAR Consortium

The study presents early findings from an ongoing pilot study of a cognitive-behavioral treatment for assisting active-duty military members with deployment-related posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) designed for use by psychologists working in an integrated primary care clinic. Treatment protocol is based primarily on Prolonged Exposure but also includes elements of Cognitive Processing Therapy that were adapted for use in primary care. Individuals were recruited from the population of patients consulted to the psychologist by primary care providers during routine clinical care. The 15 participants include active-duty or activated reserve Operation Iraqi Freedom and Operation Enduring Freedom veterans seeking help for deployment-related PTSD symptoms, with a PTSD Checklist-Military Version score 32, and interest in treatment for PTSD in primary care. Baseline and 1-month posttreatment follow-up evaluations were conducted by an independent evaluator. Five participants (33%) dropped out of the intervention after one or two appointments. Using the last observation carried forward for intent-to-treat analyses, the results showed that PTSD severity, depression, and global mental health functioning all significantly improved with the intervention. Fifty percent of treatment completers no longer met criteria for PTSD.

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Cigrang, J. A., Rauch, S. A. M., Avila, L. L., Bryan, C. J., Goodie, J. L., Hryshko-Mullen, A., Peterson, A. L., and the STRONG STAR Consortium. (2011). Treatment of Active-Duty Military with PTSD in Primary Care: Early Findings. Psychological Services, 8(2), 104-113.
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