STRONG STAR Repository
Establish a comprehensive database of clinical and biological information collected from participants in STRONG STAR clinical trials to address future questions that arise from the research of STRONG STAR investigators.
As the first research consortium to conduct studies on the prevention and treatment of combat-related PTSD with an active-duty military population and recently discharged veterans, STRONG STAR is leading the way in national efforts to prevent the onset of chronic PTSD in a new generation of war fighters.
The Consortium’s assortment of clinical trials have set the stage for immediate payoff, delivering evidence-based treatments to help psychologically wounded warriors recover from PTSD and comorbid conditions now, while its biological and epidemiological studies are designed to help guide the future development of new and improved PTSD prevention and treatment methods.
STRONG STAR investigators know that, as these studies unfold and initial questions are answered, new sets of questions will arise. And the vast array of information and study samples being collected through STRONG STAR’s current investigations could hold the answers to questions not yet even conceived.
With this in mind, the Consortium is developing the STRONG STAR Repository, a comprehensive database of clinical and biological information collected from consenting STRONG STAR study participants. Data such as self-assessments, epidemiological information, treatment outcomes, neuroimages, genetic information, and other valuable measures will be carefully maintained and made available to STRONG STAR investigators to better enable them to address future research questions that arise from the Consortium’s work.
In accordance with federal and Department of Defense guidelines, and in the spirit of the Consortium’s collaborative effort to heal psychological wounds and restore and enhance resilience in our nation’s warriors, STRONG STAR also holds the future aim of making this valuable resource widely available to support future investigations by other researchers exploring questions about combat-related PTSD.