PTSD Study Reaches Out to Fort Hood Soldiers
YNN-TV, WacoJanuary 4, 2012
Thanks to new research, Fort Hood soldiers can get help for posttraumatic stress disorder and improve understanding of how best to treat PTSD among active duty service members. The research now underway is driven by a multidisciplinary partnership called STRONG STAR led by The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio. (Link to story no longer available.)
Stressed out rats help San Antonio scientists study PTSD
KENS-TV, San AntonioDecember 15, 2011
Posttraumatic stress disorder affects thousands of troops. Now, San Antonio scientists are using a new approach to find ways to help people suffering from this disabling problem, as they look at the biology of PTSD and the role that early life stressors play in its development. (Link to story no longer available.)
Studies at Fort Hood Target PTSD
Killeen Daily HeraldSeptember 19, 2011
A committee with the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences visited Fort Hood Sept. 15-16 to learn about the post’s research on the treatment of PTSD, and they learned that STRONG STAR makes Fort Hood the top military installation in the country for this vital effort. (Link to story no longer available.)
Predicting the Psychological Wounds of War
Science MagazineJuly 29, 2011
A STRONG STAR study examining genetic and environmental influences on PTSD susceptibility is highlighted as one of several important ongoing efforts to identify and help service members at greatest risk.
STRONG STAR on “Fort Hood Spotlight”
Fort Hood Radio/Fort Hood Public Affairs OfficeMay 27, 2011
STRONG STAR’s Director of Research at Fort Hood, Dr. Elisa Borah, sits down with “Fort Hood Spotlight” host Darryl Leonard to discuss how Fort Hood Soldiers can get help for PTSD through STRONG STAR. The interview includes information on how to tell if someone might have PTSD, the innovative treatment programs being offered on post through STRONG STAR research programs, and how to inquire about participation in one of these programs.
Bioscience Breakthroughs: STRONG STAR Combats PTSD
Texas Public RadioMarch 11, 2011
Texas Public Radio’s KSTX 89.1 FM has developed “Bioscience Breakthroughs” as a special series of new segments highlighting innovations from San Antonio’s bioscience and medical community. The second series of “Bioscience Breakthroughs” was produced by TPR News Director David Martin Davies to air throughout the day from March 21 to April 1, 2011, and included a spotlight on March 28 on the breakthrough research being conducted by the STRONG STAR Multidisciplinary PTSD Research Consortium. (Link to story no longer available.)
STRONG STAR featured on “Fort Hood on Track”
Fort Hood Public Affairs OfficeFebruary 10, 2011
Fort Hood on Track” host Angie Malone and STRONG STAR Consortium Director Dr. Alan Peterson discuss STRONG STAR, how it is working to prevent and treat combat-related PTSD, and the variety of studies being conducted at Fort Hood. The interview highlights how combat veterans at Fort Hood can benefit from STRONG STAR’s treatment studies and how they can get involved.
STRONG STAR recruiting Soldiers for PTS studies; largest ever for Dept of Defense
Fort Hood SentinelFebruary 10, 2011
STRONG STAR is launching a variety of studies at Fort Hood with the goal of defeating combat-related posttraumatic stress disorder. This article by the Fort Hood Sentinel focuses particularly on two studies there that are delivering PTSD therapies that have shown to be effective with civilians and are now being evaluated for their success in helping military personnel recover from the psychological wounds of war.
The People Behind STRONG STAR’s Mission: A Combat Veteran’s Personal Struggle with PTSD
Congressionally Directed Medical Research ProgramsFebruary 8, 2011
The DoD’s Office of Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs (CDMRP), which funds STRONG STAR, has called on “Consumer Reviewers,” or those personally affected by the psychological wounds of war, to help guide its research programs on psychological health and traumatic brain injury. In this video, combat veteran Richard Flores and his mother, Penny Flores, discuss his personal struggle with PTSD and TBI, and how it led them both to serve as consumer reviewers for CDMRP-funded research programs like STRONG STAR.
Dr. Patricia A. Resick Video: Comparison of Cognitive Processing Therapy in the Treatment of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Department of Defense, Congressionally Directed Medical Research ProgramsFebruary 2, 2011
The Defense Department’s Office of Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs produced video interviews with STRONG STAR researchers discussing how their studies are expected to help service members and veterans with PTSD. Here is an interview with Dr. Patricia Resick, developer of Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT), talking about her treatment study using CPT.